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How you can find free rent to own home listings in Wilmington

How you can find free rent to own home listings in Wilmington
Looking for a house here in Wilmington? Find resources on local rent to own homes in Wilmington NC below!
It’s not uncommon to see craigslist adverts that provide people with a chance to own a home with just a small payment upfront and then “earn your way” into a house over time.

There are a few names for that… but “rent to own”, “lease to own”, and “lease purchase” are a few.

If you’re looking for a quality rent to own house in Wilmington… you may be wondering how you can find free rent to own home listings in Wilmington to see if you can find a house that’s right for you.

First, if you’re not sure what a rent to own house is… or the process… keep reading this website and check out our FAQ section.

Renting to own a local Wilmington house can be a great option for people who are struggling to qualify for a home mortgage because of their credit or not enough cash for a large down payment.

This option benefits both the buyer as well as the seller because the former gets to move into his or her dream home quickly while the latter gets a series of long term payments and is able to sell their house to a broader pool of potential “tenant buyers”.

Finding the right rent to own home listings is Wilmington can be tough sometimes.

What we’d suggest is that you do your research and get on a few lists that show you local rent to own houses in and around Wilmington.

Places you can find these lists of available Wilmington NC rent to own houses…

  1. On This Website:  Our company, Jonathan Swanson, Broker @ RE/MAX Essential, is a local real estate investment firm that buys and sells houses. One of the ways we sell our houses often is on a rent to own basis.So you can join our Local Rent To Own Property List over here >>You’ll get email alerts anytime a new property is available.  A huge benefit of being on our rent to own house list for Wilmington NC houses is that you’ll be the first one to see the properties BEFORE we list them on this website. More than half of our rent to own houses never even make it to this website because they get snapped up by people on our Wilmington Rent To Own Property List.
  2. Local Real Estate Agents:  Reach out to reputable Wilmington real estate agents and see if they have any rent to own houses available. Agents tend to stay away from rent to own houses, but some area agents do offer rent to own properties.
  3. Craigslist:  Craigslist can be a solid source of rent to own / lease option houses in the Wilmington area… and the entire rest of NC for that matter. We even list some of our properties on there from time to time.One thing to look out for when you look on Craigslist though is to make sure that the person you’re renting from us actually authorized to rent you the house.  In recent years there have been scammers taking advantage of people on Craigslist… so just make sure you’re working with a house seller that you can verify is legitimate.

A Bit More Info About Renting To Own A Wilmington House…

The tougher lending standards and the declining buyer market are pushing sellers of houses in Wilmington to help potential home buyers get into houses even though they can’t qualify for a bank loan.

The way our rent to own agreements work is, you as the buyer, are given a chance to rent the property for a given period of time with an option to buy the house sometime in the future…. usually 2 years from today.

That gives you as the buyer enough time to evaluate the neighborhoods, the house, and improve your financial situation before making a long term commitment to owning the property. Families can also move into the property even when they don’t have adequate financing power.

We love working with rent to own tenant / buyers because we get a tenant who has a long term vested interest in the property and we get a consistent rental payment while you improve your credit so you can get a home loan at the end of the agreement to buy the house.

There are pros and cons to renting to own a house… which we go over on this website and in other articles… and it’s advisable that you understand the pitfalls which comes with this form of home ownership… along with the huge benefits we can offer with our local rent to own / lease option house program.

So, what are you waiting for?

Now that you know how you can find free rent to own home listings in Wilmington… now it’s time to start finding houses that fit what you’re looking for.

If you want to see what Local Wilmington Rent To Own Homes we have available… go here >>

If you have any questions about the process or just want to chat about your situation… give us a call at: (910) 538-7737

We’re here for you and we look forward to working with you!

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