Want to talk about selling your house?

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Everything You Need to Know About Foreclosure Houses In Wilmington NC

So you want to learn more about foreclosure? Foreclosure is rarely a situation anyone wants to face. It typically happens when someone can no longer afford their mortgage or loan payments. Sometimes, unexpected circumstances arise that make selling the house a necessary option. Understandably, we’ve never met anyone who’s thrilled about going through foreclosure of … Continued
Two men shaking hands after closing a deal on their new house.

How to Sell My House Fast in Wilmington, NC?

Sell My House Fast in Wilmington, NC, in No Time! Most of the people we encounter always say the phrase “sell my house fast,” and we understand why they want to do it because selling your house in the market can be really tricky, especially if you don’t know the ins and outs of it. … Continued

Wealth Building in Wilmington Real Estate Over the Next 12 Months

  We all have goals, like wealth building via Wilmington real estate and the new year brings renewed hope and determination. The beauty of wealth building in Wilmington NC is that almost anyone can succeed. Many investors have started with very little and gone on to build real estate empires beyond their wildest dreams. Learning … Continued
WIlmington beach side

7 Ways To Save Money When Buying Investment Property In Wilmington

Need tips for saving money when buying investment property in the Wilmington area? Investment real estate is one of the best ways an individual can amass wealth. Anyone can get started, it doesn’t require special schooling or an inherent talent. However, great investors know the tools and tricks to save money when buying investment properties. They … Continued
WIlmington beach side

Should You Buy an Owner-Occupied Rental Property in Wilmington?

For some, buying an owner-occupied rental property is a great opportunity to turn your home into an income-generating asset. However, just like with any investment, there are some cons to consider as well. If you are thinking about buying an owner occupied rental property in Wilmington, read on to learn more about some of the pros and … Continued

After a Home Inspection: What to Fix and What to Ignore

After the home inspection, some repairs may need attention. But which should you request to be fixed and which should you handle yourself? When it comes to requesting repairs after home inspection, you should typically only expect major things to be fixed. Items that will have an adverse effect on your enjoyment of the home. You … Continued
WIlmington beach side

Should You Buy a Fixer-Upper Property in Wilmington?

There are many types of people who might be interested in purchasing a fixer-upper property. Are you one of them? An investor might not want to purchase a house they aren’t sure they can resell quickly or fix for a low cost. Whereas someone looking for a long-term residence will only be concerned with finding the … Continued

5 Renovations to Avoid When Flipping a House in Wilmington

Many people jump into flipping a house with great intentions, only to find themselves buried in renovation work. Often times, one project will lead to another costing you time and money. If you are flipping a house for the first time, you should be aware of these 5 renovations to avoid. Flipping a House in … Continued
hand holding a key

Things To Know Before You Buy Rent To Own in Wilmington

Discover what to expect and understand the process before buying rent to own properties! Buying a house via a rent to own agreement can be a wonderful way to buy a house in Wilmington. The process benefits both buyers and sellers who are serious about a sale. People selling their homes this way will be … Continued
Christmas lights in front of a house

Tips for Buying a House During the Holidays in Wilmington

We’ve compiled great tips for buying a house during the holidays, so you can find your dream home any time of year! Many people might be thinking about a buying a new house during the holiday, but find themselves waiting until warmer spring conditions arrive before they activity start searching. Because of this, the winter months … Continued